Our Story
EvexiaHub was founded in 2018 as Healthhub Gh in order to support and foster the sense of mindfulness on the need of staying Healthy using Natural Remedies . On 5th February 2019, it changed it name to EVEXIA meaning WELLNESS in Greek , a change that gave us a greater opportunity to widen our activities beyond health. As we engaged with clients we gathered that what most of the health conditions that we have in our world today is as a result of our negligence towards wellness.
According to World Health Organization, wellness is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
We believe wellness is therefore attainable if we incorporate the eight(8) dimensions of wellness, that is FINANCIAL, SOCIAL, SPIRITUAL, OCCUPATIONAL, EMOTIONAL, ENVIRONMENTAL,PHYSICAL and INTELLECTUAL wellness.
We offer a variety of approaches that will help to achieve and maintain optimal health and ultimately wellness.